Jellyfin Tutorial

Jellyfin App

This app is available on the Play-store, and on the Apple  App Store. 

After installing, the app will ask for a Server Address. in this line you will put the server address supplied by the Admin.

It will also ask for a Username and password

If the above server address is not accessible via your ISP, it is because your provider does not provide you with a IPv6 Address. The internet is running out of IPv4 Addresses, and companies are supposed to be migrating to/adding IPv6 support. This website runs on IPv6, so you need that address to access it. 

How to Change your Password and Profile Picture

After your logged in, press on your profile picture in the upper right hand corner

Press on Profile

From here you can change/update your profile picture and your password


From the same settings menu as for setting Password/Profile Picture, you can change the Subtitles.

From here you can change the default of the subtitle language. Or change the "mode" 

Default is Subtitles always on and on English. But for ease of viewing, I suggest "None", and only turn them on while watching if they are needed.Â